A David Hockney landscape

Friday, 3 February 2012

We spent last weekend in London and went to two excellent events. The first was the David Hockney exhibition at The Royal Academy which was excellent.He includes the use of iPADs and in one section there are 52 pictures using this method. His pictures of Yorkshire bring out colours and details throughout all the seasons. His video wall following the seasons of Woldgate Woods really does make you think about the subtle changes that take place and how evocative each of the seasons are. It also showed me how much you can really appreciate the colours and the detail of our countryside as you slowly move through it on a narrow boat. It was a real eye opener as to the beauty of our waterways that must continue at all costs. If you get a chance go and see the exhibition.

Our second treat was Cirque du Soleil - Totem at the Royal Albert Hall which was 21/2hours of pure entertainment

I have chosen a picture I took last August from bridge 100 between Braunston and Wigrams Turn which just shows the canal landscape but not as good as the moving video wall.