Well this is the first posting to the blog using my mobile phone via Orange pay as you go GPRS/3G service much slower than the home broadband facility but hopefully as I get used to it I will be able to get it to go faster. Its only taken me all day to sort it out, but it has been a productive day special thanks though to the boys at the Boatersphone Company

Count down to the off
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
A busy time even though retired - Christmas Day was spent on the boat in the Marina as we needed to visit family on Boxing Day which needed an early start, so in the end had 5 chilled days doing just a few jobs.
We purchased a 1 metre square top box from Wharf House Chandlery before Christmas which I have now painted grey to match the roof which will be taken up to the boat at Easter, hopefully large enough for all the bits and pieces that we cannot fit inside the boat.
I have now purchased my new laptop - an Acer 5920 and a pay as you go SIM card from Orange so that I can connect to the internet via their GPRS £1 per day service. I plan to use this method to start with as I only intend to update the blog a couple of times a week and also for general enquires, see how it goes. All I have to do now is to get them to talk to each other and then the internet!
Anne is now on countdown with only 42 working days or 8 Mondays until she leaves work!
(I have now checked spelling and it is OK to send !)
Posted by Martin at 19:09