Since the return from our trip in June we have had a very difficult time. Anne's father had been in an assisted living home and during our trip Anne had returned back to Fleet a few times as he was not very well at all. On our return he deteriorated further and we had to move him into a nursing home. He became very weak and passed away peacefully at the beginning of September. We have been dealing with his estate which hopefully is now nearly completed.
We have only managed one quick trip to the boat in October to check her out and do a few jobs to get her ready for winter. Although when we were their we had one nice day so we did a quick cruise to The Bridge Inn and back.
I started to suffer from another trigger finger whilst we were out which has gradually got worse and resulted in a small operation in October which has taken 6 weeks to heal. A small cut but very painful in the middle of your palm.
When I had the detached retina last year there was a high probability of a cataract. Well one has developed and I am due to have an operation this Friday. Hopefully that will be the end of it for a while. Mind you everything that goes wrong now seems to be put down to old age!!!!!- something that really p...s me off.
I include a few pictures covering the last few months which included a trip to North Somerset.
Our lunch stop mooring near The Bridge Inn on a lovely October afternoon. We passed this Kestrel on a post as we left the marina.
More sorting
More sorting out was done today. We’d brought with us all our jars of herb
and spices from home, so I combined them with the boat ones nd went through
1 week ago