We have spent 5 days in Frouds Bridge Marina which is a really nice and friendly place. We had the engine serviced by Richard Poole Marine Services who did an excellent job. We have also both been back to Fleet for a meeting in connection with Anne's father. The level of care has had to be increased which hopefully will help them through this difficult time with him.
We will leave the marina tomorrow and head for the Thames at Reading. The plan is still to go the short way back to Wigram's via Oxford and the Oxford canal. We will save the lower Grand Union for another day.
We continue to meet boaters that make it part way along the K&A and then decide its not for them and turn round. It is not the easiest of canals - the locks can be difficult, the paddles are hard or are difficult to use unless you lean over the canal- which is not good for the back, the beams are at different heights which makes getting on and off them very awkward and the mooring can be difficult and problematic. There are only about two places that have any armco at all, which is a favourite for narrow boaters from the main system. But and its a big BUT its worth persevering as it does get better from Hungerford onwards. The scenery near Honeystreet,Crofton,Claverton and the Avon Valley going into Bath is just wonderfull.
There are also a lot of wide beams of various types but this is one that actualy looks nice with it.
Just before we came into the Marina we moored near Woolhampton lock and I walked into the village.This is a water fountain erected in 1897 for Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee. Its a listed monument that is due to be restored soon.
New year, new boat, new blog
Big announcement time!
We’re having a new boat built, starting very soon. *Kingley Vale* will be
built by Braidbar Boats, and I’ve set up a new blog to ...
5 days ago